Information for farmers looking to have their livestock harvested and processed at Harry Hansen Meat Service
Thank you for your interest in bringing livestock to Hansen's! As one of the few remaining custom processing facilities in Southeastern Wisconsin, we are proud to be a direct link between the farm and consumer. We are also proud to continue to be family-owned and operated.
All farmers who bring livestock into our facility MUST fill out and agree to our farmer affidavit before we harvest your livestock. Click here for the 2024 affidavit.
At Hansen's, we harvest and process beef and pork. If you are looking for a poultry processor, the closest inspected facility to our location is Twin Cities Pack in Clinton. If you are looking for a lamb processor, we suggest trying Pinn-Oak Ridge Farms in Delavan.
We book appointments in a 6-month rotation:
January, February, March, April, May and June (Spring) appointments are booked June 15-30
Note: Pig appointments for January and February are limited. -
September, October, November and December (Fall) appointments are booked December 15-30
Note: We do not have any open appointments slots for July or August due to the continued support we provide local county fair livestock auctions.
Appointments are not made on a first come - first serve basis. Simply fill out the form below or stop in-store for a paper copy. Mark how many livestock you would like to bring in per month. Once the booking period has closed, we will notify you via email of dates for appointments.
To new farmers (anyone who did NOT have appointments with us in the last 3 years):
Knowing our limits and capabilities, we cannot guarantee we will take any new farmers, as we do give preference to farmers who have brought livestock in the past. If you are a new farmer interested in appointment(s), please still submit a form for appointment(s) when it opens . If we have any open slots, we will try to give as many farmers the opportunity to fill them. Typically, March - May appointments do not fill up completely, especially for pigs. We often suggest trying to raise livestock for that timeframe if you would like to bring livestock here.
We suggest making appointment(s) for roasting pigs as soon as you know you will need a pig. We take roasting pig appointments year-round. We harvest pigs on Thursday's every week (unless we have to move the day due to a holiday). Roasting pig appointments must be made 1 week before harvest date.
We harvest beef on Tuesday's (unless we have to move the day due to a holiday). Beef cattle can be dropped off the day before the appointment between 1:00 – 5:00 pm and on the day of the appointment between 6:30 – 7:00 am.
We harvest pigs on Thursday's (unless we have to move the day due to a holiday). Pigs can be dropped off the day before the appointment between 1:00 – 5:00 pm and on the day of the appointment between 6:30 – 7:00 am.